Tuesday 9 October 2012

Treasure Hunting: Steve Nash

OK, so I don't really have much to say about this one other than WTF!?!?  Someone must have been a real Steve Nash fan to put this one together ...

In my recent trolling for stuff that I might want to add to my collection(s) and likely infuriate my wife, I found this beauty of a piece.

Now I love me some music and I sure as hell love me some Steve Nash but goddam!  Whoever is selling this is likely trying to toss this once proud piece of Phoenix Suns memorabilia since Kid Canada has fled the desert for LA.  This is one mother of a guitar and I don't think that it's even got strings or is playable.  That wouldn't really matter to anyone who can play a guitar since it weighs in at around 150 pounds according to the seller.

It is a unique piece and if you check out the artwork Nash does look true to life.  The guitar looks pretty good too.  But at 10 feet and a combined 300 pounds (150 for the base and the 150 for the actual piece itself remember) you would need a lot of space and muscle to get this to the proper spot in the den.

I'm sure if I picked this up it would definitely get the wife's goat for sure.


  1. LOL, that would get you a quick vacay to the couch. Maybe you could spoon the guitar there?

    1. Forget the couch, that would be me and the axe on the balcony this winter.
